March 4th was National Pancake Day.
Didn’t realize that when we woke up that morning and felt like waffles,
but I figured it was close enough and a funny coincidence. I brought out the waffle maker, my homemade
baking mix, and let little man help. He
was excited to help me mix and pour ingredients into the batter. I really should let him help more often. I feel like there are some homeschool
applications there that I can take advantage of—definitely some math
opportunities, and connecting how to follow a recipe with the importance of
following directions.
funny to me that my little man LOVES waffles when we’re at home, but really
wants pancakes when we’re having breakfast food in a restaurant. You can read more about his disappointment
about Waffle House not having pancakes in my post, The Battle of Eating Out with Kids.
waffles this week was also another great excuse to use up some Cinnamon-Honey Butter I had left over. We received some
syrup from Morse Farm Maple Sugarworks as a gift recently and it seemed like a
great combination. I was right! Look at the deliciousness:
you participate in Pancake Day?
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